
Welcome to the Ranch Kitchen

We are a three-square-meals-a-day kind of family, plus snacks. And we make virtually everything from scratch, so needless to say we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Well, two kitchens actually, because in the summer we open up the house in the hills.  Tyler and I both come from families with robust prairie food cultures.  Food is not only the thread that ties our family together, but it shapes our days and our seasons. We are either growing food, preparing food, selling food, reading and dreaming about food, or eating food together, around the table that anchors us to this place.  We hope that you and your family will get pleasure from the recipes that have come out of our ranch kitchen.

The heart of our home.

Kale Salad

Give me a cast iron-cooked steak, kale salad, and a glass of red wine and you make me a happy girl. Add a piece of good white bread and you have my version of suppertime perfection.  This combination is one of the staple meals in our ranch kitchen. It is simple, fast, and in the summer we can source almost [...]

Basic Grassfed Beef Bone Broth

There is nothing more nourishing and necessary in a ranch kitchen, or any kitchen, than Beef Bone Broth. Steaming away in pots for centuries, it is the starter for soups, the liquid for pot roasts, the flavour for vegetables, and the base for sauces. Bone Broth contains the life giving nutrients that our bodies need from pasture-raised meats.  And it [...]

By |September 7th, 2016|Categories: Beef, Recipes, Uncategorized|2 Comments